The first workshop (12:00 pm – 13:30 pm GMT+2) is adapted to the learning needs, comprehension levels and skills development that is age appropriate for younger children – ages approximately 5-8.
You can also join in at our 2nd workshop at 16:00 pm (GMT+2) which is for anyone interested in learning about geometric structures, design and experiencing paper play.
STEAM aims to strengthen the foundation of STEM subjects like science, Technology, Engineering and Math through integrating Art which results in inclusive and accessible learning experiences for ALL children in STEM subjects. Through creating these creative and playful experiences for learning ALL children will develop critical thinking and other crucial future skills that will be needed for them to thrive in the future – leaving no-one behind!
Click on any of the following slots to book your seat.
12pm – 13:30: ages 5 -8: adapted to the learning needs, comprehension levels and skills development that is age appropriate for younger children
16:00 – 17:30: for anyone interested in learning about geometric structures, design and experiencing paper play.
Join architect Noa Halm from Collective Paper Aesthetics and learn how to make an exciting 3D structure using paper. Once you understand how to make a single structure called truncated octahedron you will be able to combine many single unites to make a bigger structure.
*To learn more about a truncated octahedron find details further below.
*Also see some of the much bigger structures further below that Collective Paper Aesthetics have built with festival goers around the world
Enjoy the Play ∆
Below is the template you need to print BEFORE the workshop on 31 OCTOBER
Find the black & white as well as the full coloured versions of the template below. In order to build a bigger structure print a minimum of 5 templates. You have the freedom to combine black & white template and colour template in one structure. You also have the freedom to create your own designs by drawing onto the black & white template. See our tip further below if you want to add your own designs.
Download the Black & White template HERE Download the Colour template HERE
If you want to use your own designs then rather print the black & white template and draw your own designs on the template BEFORE you join the workshop. So rather draw your own designs onto the template while you still have a flat surface as it will be more difficult to draw on the structure when they are 3D.
WORKSHOP – how to make a single unit:
To create a meaningful structure one will need minimum 5 printed A4 paper. (5+ templates)
- Print the templates before the workshop and if you want to draw your own designs onto the template make sure you have this done before the workshop as well
We will do the following with you during the workshop:
- Cut
- Fold with care
- Seal with a kiss and a bit of glue
- Handle with love
Every truncated octahedron has eight similar faces. The polyhedral packs can be assembled along multiple axes, allowing for a vast variety of three-dimensional configurations. To make a similar sphere to the one you will see in our video on 31 October, you will need to make 20 polyhedral packs. So this can be a really great project to also do with a bigger team like your family, with friends or in the classroom. The bigger the team the more individual shapes you will be able to build which means the more shapes you have the bigger your final structure will become because there is no limit to the number of individual shapes you can add to your built structure. *To learn more about a truncated octahedron find details further belo
About Noa Haim/Collective Paper Aesthetics:
Collective Paper Aesthetics designs and develops audience-engagement materials and STEAM education resources in a range of pop-up architecture and furnishing. In that manner, the studio offers a unique experience merging mathematical expertise, hands-on engineering and universal design in a scale of Placemaking. Among the studio patrons are MUDAM Luxembourg, National Gallery Singapore, Tate modern, ICA MIAMI, Louvre Abu Dhabi and more.
Designer and Architect Noa Haim graduated from The Berlage Institute – Postgraduate laboratory of architecture, Rotterdam (2004). In her work though International architectural firms she specialized in the field of Mixed-use developments and urban strategies. Following a presentation of her graduation work in a form of participatory activity within London Festival of Architecture 2008, Haim’s established her cultural entrepreneurship and design studio Collective Paper Aesthetics.
About Collective Paper Aesthetics
See all the different structures that Collective Paper Aesthetics have created at many festivals around the world further below or visit their website
I ♥ Architecture is a creative paper play in objects, space and experience. The principle tool is a paper lattice, to be folded into a three-dimensional polyhedral pack. From multiple polyhedral packs we can create, vary structural organizations materialising the place we truly love.
*WHAT IS A truncated octahedron?
The templates you have in front of you include the layout for a geometrical form called a truncated octahedron. In order to understand the structure, let’s take a look at the origin of the word and the origin of the structure. The truncated octahedron is based off of one of the five platonic solids: the octahedron. The five platonic solids stem from ancient Greece and are geometric figures which have identical faces and angles. The octahedron is a geometric structure which has 8 triangular sides, giving it the name OCTAhedron, as the word octa, stemming from ancient Greek, means ‘eight’. Can you count them? But wait, the figure in front of us does not have triangular faces, but hexagonal (six-sided) faces! This brings us to the first part of the word: Truncated. The word “truncated” is derived from the Latin word truncatus and means to ” cut off “. This is exactly how we got from 8 triangular faces (octahedron) to 8 hexagonal faces (truncated octahedron): by cutting off the tips of the triangles a truncated octahedron is formed. But does the figure in front of you really only have 8 faces, or can you find more? Let me give you a hint: look for squares! How many can you count?
In order to turn the flat layout into a three-dimensional truncated octahedron, the figure must first be cut out of the template, then be folded along the dotted lines, and finally be glued together on the connecting areas. As soon as you have made at least five truncated octahedra, a great variety of bigger structures can be constructed by gluing together the individual units. For example, you can make a star out of 5 truncated octahedrons, an eye shape out of 7 truncated octahedra, and a ring out of 10 truncated octahedra, and many more (see the images below).
Constructing and experimenting with these geometric figures is a great project to do with a bigger team like your family, with friends, or in the classroom. The bigger the team the more individual shapes you will be able to build. In other words, the more shapes you have, the bigger your final structure will become because there is no limit to the number of individual shapes you can add to your built structure!
Links to social media
Twitter @NoaHaim
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*See images below of some of the bigger structures that were built by festival goers around the world.