small is MASSIVE!
#OpenDesignAfrika calls on Afrikans and the world to action small seeds of change everywhere. Today we have to write the most important design brief in the history of humanity; it is time to rise in solidarity with our global neighbours and Inspirators for action!
Join us for DAY 2 of #ODA2020 on 28 October at “Global Inspiration Day”, as we Livestream from the @VandWaterfront in #CapeTown, #SouthAfrica. Let’s celebrate the power of creativity and humanity through our global design champions, unsung heroes and changemakers; as we share stories, learn together and get inspired to unlock greater potential and aspirations for thriving futures! Through a series of global dialogues, followed by virtual coffee sessions; we will bring exciting Inspirators together with our global audience so that you can get inspired by their personal stories that touch the lives of a few, a community, city, country, continent or globally
SESSION THREE: “WETOPIA, making cities together”
In WETOPIA we all acknowledge that we can only make a city together. In Wetopia we actively stimulate more cooperation and develop, research and demonstrate new alliances between citizens, politicians, civil servants, city makers, entrepreneurs, artists, activists, scientists etc. Because all change makers are policy makers.
WETOPIA, Making Cities Together is a global living lab of communities of practice in which we work locally in the field to connect people and projects, to explore more holistic solutions and possibilities, to learn, to understand, to work on new forms of democracy by co-creating and working together and doing so, expanding the Wetopia way of working globally.
In this session, the driving force of WETOPIA, Joke Quintens will introduce the Wetopia work and invites Wetopians Siyasamkela Kilani and Ellen Fischat to share their take-aways from the local Wetopia Learning Program for Policy Makers in Cape Town.
Then she will invite two great change making Wetopia examples to the session, who are working with the most deprived communities in Brazil and in Kenya: Pimp my Carroça and Cataki in Sao Paulo, Brasil by Mundano, an activist and artist and Living Lab Nairobi in Nairobi, Kenya by Dr Amollo Ambole, a scientist. Kevin Kimwelle, Wetopia partner and community architect based in Port Elizabeth, South Africa will make the closing remarks.
PROGRAMME: This session is FREE but registration is essential in order for you to receive the online link so that you can access our virtual platform on the day.
13:20: (GMT+2) Welcome and introduction by MC
13:20 – 14:30: (GMT+2) Inspirator Stories
- Joke Quintens, Marseille, France: Founder of WETOPIA, making cities together
- Ellen Fischat, Cape Town, SA: Founder of Story Room
- Siyasalkela Kilani, Cape Town, SA: Founder of Langa Township Mountaineers NGO
- Dr Amollo Ambole, Nairobi, Kenya: Living Lab Nairobi
- Mundano, São Paulo, Brazil: Founder of Pimp My Carroça and Cataki
- Kevin Kimwelle, Port Elizabeth, SA: Community Architect & Sustainability Researcher
*To learn more about the 2020 ODA INSPIRATORS above, click on their names to read their bios.
BREAK: 14:30 – 15:30 (GMT+2):
- Enjoy great music talent from Cape Town while they are performing in different locations at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town
- Exclusive virtual coffee sessions with speakers. Only 15 seats available per speaker. Book your seat directly on Eventbrite
Open Design Afrika is determined to keep this platform free of charge and accessible to everyone. If possible, we would appreciate your support by making a donation to Open Design Afrika NPO. Your donation will enable our team of change-makers to continue our valuable work in democratising the sharing of knowledge, participation and skills development so that we can unlock and ignite greater Afrikan solutions and new aspirations to build thriving futures. Please use the provided QR code if you want to make a donation. The ODA Team thank you for your support.
#ODA2020 #OpenDesignAfrika#smallisMASSIVE
@wetopiamakingcitiestogether #wetopia